Ouverture de session

Calgary broker bash


Please join us for September’s Calgary broker bash, which is taking place on Thursday, September 15, 2016 at Bottlescrew Bill’s Pub. This highly-anticipated industry event provides a great networking opportunity with fellow industry colleagues and all insurance professionals are welcome. 

We are proud to welcome MKA Canada Inc. as a sponsor for the September 2016 Calgary Broker Bash.


MKA Canada Inc., a multidisciplinary construction consulting firm, provides creative solutions to the Construction, Legal and Insurance industries in Property Loss Claims, Builders Risk Claims and in Construction Disputes. Recognizing the unique needs of each client, MKA Canada’s professionals utilize extensive industry experience and diverse skills to devise customized solutions.

MKA Canada’s Cost Estimators, Construction Managers, Schedulers, Roofing Consultants, Thermographers and Water Restoration Consultants form a highly skilled team delivering a broad spectrum of quality services and integrated solutions to their clients worldwide.

Join us for this great networking event and be sure to extend the invitation to your industry colleagues. We look forward to seeing you there.






Bottlescrew Bill’s Pub
140 10 Ave SW. Calgary, AB
4:30pm to 6:30pm.



